Andy’s sciatic, hip and leg pain started what seemed like overnight. Two different orthopaedic surgeons recommended he have a hip replacement, but this decision did not sit right with him. Though his pain was focused in his hip area, Andy decided to send his MRI to the Bonati Spine Institute for review by one the surgeons to see if by chance something else was really going on. Andy’s intuition was right.
American Medicine Today visits with the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida.
Glioblastoma is a grade 4 brain tumor (with 1 being the least severe and 4 being the most). Once diagnosed, death usually occurs within 12-15 months. However, Dr. Brent Reynolds, Professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Florida Health has discovered that a specific diet appears to slow the growth of progressive brain tumors in mice. The Ketogenic Diet was developed in the 1920’s for children with epilepsy and was known to greatly reduce the amount of seizures children were experiencing. This ‘fasting’ type of diet is very low in carbohydrates and very high in fat. Lacking carbs, the body’s glucose levels lower and then process the abundant fat cells into ketone bodies which in turn, slow tumor growth. Though currently in human testing trials, you don’t have to wait for FDA approval to put yourself on a high-fat, low-carb diet.
Learn more about this discovery from UF Health here: https://ufhealth.org/news/2016/lower-carb-diet-slows-growth-aggressive-brain-tumor-mouse-models
American Medicine Today visits the Clearwater Marine Aquarium in Clearwater, Florida.
The Clearwater Marine Aquarium on the beautiful Gulf Coast of Florida is a fully operational aquatic animal hospital, where inspiring rescue work of marine life is conducted. It also happens to be a major tourist attraction for the area. During the segment we met up David Yates, CEO of CMA and the creative mind behind turning a small animal rehab center into a global cinematic phenomenon, as well as Julie Wendt, an animal care specialist who works with the resident dolphins, otters and pelicans – including the famous, Winter.
Learn more about the Clearwater Marine Aquarium here: https://www.seewinter.com/
American Medicine Today visits with the Florida Fertility Institute in Clearwater, Florida.
The first IVF, or inVitroFertilization, conception occurred in 1978 and became mainstream in the 1990’s. Since then, millions of babies have been conceived this way. Couples resort to IVF for a number of reasons, from Fallopian tube issues to male infertility. During our visit, we talk to Dr. Mark Sanchez, a Board Certified OBGYN, specializing in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility at the Florida Fertility Institute about the latest advancements in conception medicine.
Learn more about the Florida Fertility Institute here: http://www.thefertilityexperts.com/
American Medicine Today visits with Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Animal Care Center in Tampa, Florida.
Busch Gardens Tampa Bay is one of the largest zoos in North America, housing over 250 different animal species: everything from elephants, zebras and giraffes to hippos, gorillas, lions and many, many more. Taking care of these animals is no small feat and we speak to Dr. Pete Black, Senior Veterinarian and Bethany Fisher, Education Specialist about their daily responsibilities and what it takes to care for these beautiful animals. We also join Dr. Pete for procedures on a kangaroo and a bald eagle, while Bethany introduces us to Edgar Owl Poe an Eastern Screech Owl and official Busch Gardens Tampa Bay “Animal Ambassador.”
Learn more about Busch Gardens Tampa Bay’s Animal Care Center here: https://buschgardens.com/tampa/zoo/animal-experiences/animal-care-center/
American Medicine Today visits with Sense-A-Life in Tampa, Florida.
On average, 37 children die after being left in hot cars each year in the US alone. That’s roughly one child every nine days. Thousands more are hospitalized due to heat stroke or heat related injuries. We speak with Fadi Shamma, co-creator of Sense-A-Life, about this device and how it works with your smart phone to ensure no child is ever left in a hot car.
Learn more about this life-saving device here: http://www.sensealife.com/